The ACI web pages and information is maintained by the Afterschool Coalition of Indianapolis. ACI intends for the information on after school programs to be helpful and informative about various after school programs.
The web-site contains information on after school programs which is provided by other organizations, both public and private. This web-site also contains links to other web pages maintained by other organizations.
Information for this web-site is provided voluntarily by various organizations. The inclusion of information regarding a particular after school program or article on this web-site should not be construed as an endorsement of the program or article by the Afterschool Coalition of Indianapolis. Similarly, the exclusion of a particular after school program should not be construed as a criticism or disapproval of the program by the Afterschool Coalition of Indianapolis.
While effort is made to review the information on this web site periodically, ACI cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or legality of the information contained on the web site. Also ACI has no control over, and cannot be responsible for, content on the web site of other organizations. ACI is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, or legality of the information provided on this web site, or for any of the content provided on the web sites of other organizations to which this web site is linked. ACI disclaims any and all responsibility for the use of any information contained on this web site.
If information or a link provided on this web site appears to be invalid or incorrect, or if information has been omitted, please send an e-mail describing the problem or omission to: |